It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. The Profit or Loss app is used to check the profit or loss percentage of the stock.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. The birthday palindrome app is used to check whether your birthday is palindrome or not. If it is not a palindrome, then it shows the nearest palindrome Date.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. It is a quiz app used to learn about area, hypotenuse and some similar quiz for triangles.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. It is a fun app used to check whether your birthday is lucky or not based on the lucky number you are given.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. The Cash Register app is used to tell the user that the amount to be returned with minimum number of notes.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, React JS. The Tedx talks recommendation app is used to suggest some tedx videos based on some choosen genre of the recommendation.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, React JS. Hand Emojis Interpretor app is used to show the meaning of the hand signal emojis.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. This app translates the text that you are provided to Navi(Avatar) language.
It was developed on HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS. This app translates the text that you are provided to Banana language.
This is another CLI app developed on NodeJS. This gives you a short story that was developed based the characters and features you selected.
It was a CLI app has a short quiz about Mr.Bean. It is developed on NodeJS.
This CLI app has a short quiz about Indrajit. It was developed on NodeJS.